People are at the center of our work. Welcome to meet, get to know and celebrate some of the people who make us who we are. These stories highlight our staff members, our partners and our heroes from the field.
“My name is Sun Sreytouch. I was born in Kampong Speu province, I got disability on my right leg caused by polio disease when I was one and a half years old. I have 6 siblings (3 female) and am the fifth child in the family.”
As a girl with disability, Srey Touch experienced discrimination from neighbors and classmates as they always used inappropriate words to her which were hurtful. Every time she walked out of the house, everyone looked at her like a stranger and said, “how pity is she as she is a girl with disability”. When she was young, because of this she didn’t want anyone see her legs, she always wore long skirts.
Published: 2 April 2024

Tevy is now 25 years old; she was born in Kratie province. She’s got 3 siblings (1 male), and she got polio when she young. Her disability really affects her emotions and face with discriminations like people calling her disability not her name, used inappropriate words, imitated the way she walked, and so forth. Especially, her relative and neighbor didn’t support her to go to school.
Published: 22 March 2023

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Throughout our work, we have learnt that actors in the field of development need to go through organizational and systematic processes of change within their programs to move towards sustainable (disability) inclusion. We support these processes at community, organizational and governmental level.