The new 3-year project builds on the success and learning of two previous projects that focused on building inclusive business and inclusive villages. This new intervention will have a different strategy because it will act on needs of people that have not been reached yet. It will actively involve youth and connect them with elderly, disabled people groups (DPOs) and others. It will take advocacy efforts to a higher level. People not reached include those with psychosocial/ mental disabilities, children, women and elderly living in very vulnerable conditions (in the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic). People with mental disabilities are often misunderstood and misidentified. Besides, more people are living in impoverished conditions, they lack access to healthcare and cannot engage in productive activities and vice versa. Outcomes of the project will be improved access to basic health services, more productive businesses benefitting people with disabilities, youth group’s support to marginal groups, increased commitment and capacity of local government officials and the partner organization, PRY, in implementing/promoting a successful inclusive village model in 25 villages in the Purworejo District.

Throughout our work, we have learnt that actors in the field of development need to go through organizational and systematic processes of change within their programs to move towards sustainable (disability) inclusion. We support these processes at community, organizational and governmental level.